Saturday, October 8, 2011

Ukelele Lessons @ Temasek Holdings in July 2011

As part of our music outreach to companies and organisations, Intune Music School conducted a group Ukelele class at Temasek Holdings in July 2011, to provide the staff members there with some music lessons and also a way to destress after a hard day's work.

Check out the exciting pictures here:

Our instructor Raafik showing the Ukelele to the students
Pay attention students! ;-p
Let's start playing!
We will be providing more of such courses to companies in the near future, so do look out for them! Interested companies/organisations can also drop us an email at for more details!

Aaron Lim
Intune Music School

Monday, October 3, 2011

iPad Music Course @ Teck Whye Secondary School

Our very 1st iPad music making course was completed in August 2011, at Teck Whye Secondary School! Many thanks to VP Mr. Yong, and Mr Rahmat for giving us this chance to conduct the course at your school. ;-p

The students enjoyed themselves very much, and we instructors also had lots of fun teaching the Express/NA/NT students from Teck Whye!

Check out the exciting pictures of our ipad music lessons there:

Listening to the music samples on the ipad
Orderly conduct for the lessons
Group photo time!

Big Smile!!
Fun shot!!
Why are you lying on the floor? ;-p
Intune Music School will be having more ipad programmes in 2012, so look out for them! Those who are interested to know how to make music on the ipad can also email us at and find out more! ;-p

Aaron Lim
Intune Music School

Lyrics Workshop at Dunman High School on 28 July 2011

Intune Music School held a lyrics and songwriting workshop at Dunman High School during July/Aug 2011. The lessons aimed to equip the students with songwriting and lyrics writing skills, helping to write their very own original song compositions with original melody and lyrics.

Here are the pictures of the lessons and how they are conducted:

Instructor Chi Sheng teaching the class of Dunman High students
Learning about songwriting
Lyrics instructor Alex teaching the secrets of lyrics writing
The intelligent and well behaved Dunman High School students
Paying attention

Our lyrics workshops are becoming more and more popular amongst MOE schools. Hope that things will pick up more in 2012! ;-p

Aaron Lim
Intune Music School